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More About How to Lie with Statistics


August 16, 2020 - Julie Formby

"If you can't prove what you want to prove, demonstrate something else and pretend that they are the same thing. In the daze that follows the collision with statistics and the human mind, hardly anyone will know the difference." ~Darrell Huff

This quote is from pg. 76 of the book that Bill Gates endorsed called “How to Lie With Statistics” by Darrell Huff. Really let this quote sink in and SEE the many ways the Deep State owned main stream media is lying with statistics to promote their agendas of fear, lockdown and mandates from a fictitious Pandemic! All the numbers of COVID are rigged. The data is manipulated. The tests are bogus.


We see it every day in the main stream media! First it started with contaminated test kits, next it was false positives. After that, they resorted to reporting positive test results for people who didn't even show up to be tested. Next they increased the symptoms to include ANY cold or flu symptoms. Then they started tampering with the sensitivity of tests so that anyone can test positive. Cross relativity is also an issue with testing accuracy: Coronavirus antibodies from the cold or flu can yield a positive COVID-19 test. And now, they include "probable" cases as well! Anything to gin up the number of cases and create panic!

In New York and other cities across the U.S., reckless choices were made with regard to the care of COVID patients (ventilating symptomatic patients immediately and sending COVID-positive elderly back into nursing homes, thus unnecessarily elevating the death counts.
What next? Anything to falsely inflate the number of cases so they can continue to instill fear in people and drive corrupt policies!

Cases are not important. What ARE important are deaths, hospitalizations and ICU cases. As COVID deaths were falling in June 2020 according to the natural bell curve progression of every virus, Governor Polis began to ramp up testing which resulted in increased numbers of reported cases-- without testing, asymptomatic cases cannot be determined. In spite of the rash of June protests, COVID deaths continued to decline. In fact, even after his July 17, 2020 state-wide mask mandate, cases have remained high while deaths have been nearly flat ranging between 0-10 deaths per day statewide (the same as seasonal flu) with the median age of COVID deaths being 78 years old. Just like seasonal flu and influenza, the elderly are at higher risk of death due to COVID. Low deaths in the presence of high cases are good news-- it means that herd immunity is being established, and the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) is low meaning that most cases are asymptomatic or produce very minor symptoms.

And it is rumored that Polis will extend his Mask Mandate another thirty days now! The data do not support the decision! What about the total impact of COVID-19?

  • 25% of young Americans have considered suicide lately

  • Anxiety and depression are at records highs

  • Depression is at a record high

  • Overdoses are up 30-40%

  • 12% of Americans consistently are short on food

  • GDP is down 33% for 2nd quarter 2020

  • 20% are behind on rent

  • People are abandoning pet

Obviously our governor is NOT really concerned about saving lives because suicides, depression, unemployment, drug overdoses, and lack of ability to acquire and secure basic necessities are less important to him than 0-10 deaths per day. The destruction of thousands of lives does not warrant the lockdowns to "save a few" who would be susceptible to death due to flu or pneumonia.

"If you can't prove what you want to prove, demonstrate something else and pretend that they are the same thing. In the daze that follows the collision with statistics and the human mind, hardly anyone will know the difference." ~Darrell Huff

The deaths don't justify the emergency measures being taken! Cases should not drive policy! There is no more emergency! It's time to end the lies!

March to End the Madness on Sunday, September 13th!

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