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How to Lie with Statistics: Article Episode #1 - The Small Pox Breakout of 1952

August 9, 2020 - Guest Blogger: Bryant Meyers

New Article Series Inspired by Book “How to Lie with Statistics” (Ironically it really is endorsed by Gates). The Book Sheds Light on the 2020 Plandemic's Use of Lying with Statistics and doing so VERY BADLY!

From Page 86 of "How to Lie with Statistics" "You may have heard the discouraging news that 1952 was the worst polio year in medical history. This conclusion was based on what might seem all the evidence anyone could ask for: There were far more cases reported in that year than ever before."

"But when the experts went back of to these figures they found a few things that were more encouraging. One was that there were so many children at the most susceptible ages in 1952 that the cases were bound to be at a record number if the rate remained level. Another was that a general consciousness of polio was leading to more frequent diagnosis and recording of mild cases. Finally, there was increased financial incentive, there being more polio insurance and more aid available from the National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis. All this throw considerable doubt on the notion that polio had reached a new high, and the total number of deaths confirmed the doubt."

"It is an interesting fact that the death rate or number of deaths often is a better measure of the incidence of an ailment than the direct incidence figures - simply because the quality of reporting and record-keeping is so much higher on fatalities." --- My Discussion: Ok there is a LOT here that is applicable to the 2020 plandemic.

1) When you Increase the number of tests, the number of Cases INCREASES!!

The Media is TOO focused on the #cases not mentioning that the #death's are leveling off = lower death rate. DEATH RATE IS THE MAIN NUMBER, NOT # of CASES!!!

And the CDC has reported a .26% death rate, WHO has reported recently a .6% death rate and the actual number is probably more like .1%

2) Financial Incentives

Hospitals are incentivized for Covid patients to the tune of $13,000 per patient and #39,000 for ventilator patients. This HUGE incentive has hospitals reporting everything they can as Covid and deaths as Covid deaths. The CDC has TWO codes to report Covid Deaths, either confirmed or not confirmed by exhibiting symptoms. That is right, EVEN IF NOT CONFIRMED COVID HOSPITALS HAVE A GREEN LIGHT FROM THE CDC TO LIST DEATHS AS COVID FROM SYMPTOMS ALONE!!

3) Testing is not accurate which clearly can throw things off too Lying with statistics is not new to infectious breakouts but unlike 1952, the lying is more more deliberate in 2020 to accomplish big Pharma mandated vaccine agendas along with more Authoritarian control!

Do be fooled by the Media Lying with statistics and biased samples and bogus data! This Pandemic is NOT that much worse than a bad flu season! Death rate is the key number not the #cases but even death rates are skewed with incentives!!


For more great info about COVID data and statistics check out Bryant's Facebook page and our COVID DATA & STATISTICS webpage.

Bryant Meyers is a bestselling author and leading expert in the field of Energy Medicine and PEMF Therapy. He is a former TV show host and former Physics/Math Professor at Central Michigan, Baker College and Muskegon Community College. As a Math Professor, he taught statistics, so he is very well-versed in statistical analysis of COVID data. For 25 years he has researched, tested, tried, and investigated over $750,000 worth of energy medicine, studying with many of the world's experts. He has personally helped thousands of people with energy medicine and PEMF therapy devices to achieve pain relief, better sleep, and overall better health. During the past 13 years, he has dedicated his research to PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) therapy because he feels it is THE most effective and best researched energy medicine device available today. This is why Bryant spent a year writing the groundbreaking book, "PEMF - The 5th Element of Health", and it is a consistent bestselling book in it's field. He has been featured on GaiamTV, Hayhouse Radio, The Brian Tracy Show which aired on various ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox across the country. Bryant currently lives in Bradenton, Florida

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