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COVID-19 Is No Longer An Epidemic!


October 26, 2020 - Julie Formby

Past pandemics over the last 2,000 years have affected a much higher percentage of the world population than COVID-19 has. For example, the mortality rate of smallpox is 30%

and resulted in deaths to .87% of the world population. The United States did not lockdown during this pandemic! In fact, by contrast the Revolutionary War was fought and the Declaration of Independence were written during this time! An estimated 125,000 people died from smallpox from 1775-1782, which is more than FIVE TIMES the number of soldiers who died in the war! Keep in mind that the population of the colonies was only around 2.5 million people, so the death rate from smallpox during the Revolution was 5%! Compare this to COVID-19 which has killed only .0142% of the world population.

Epidemics involve a steep vertical climb to a peak which then levels off and remains relatively horizontal after that, with small rises and falls. This is what we are seeing with COVID-19. Yes, there has been a rise in cases, but keep in mind that cases are positive tests and presumed cases vs. people who are actually sick with COVID. And cases have NO DIRECT CORRELATION to hospitalizations and deaths! Increased testing simply uncovers COVID cases, and we all know that PCR testing can also be manipulated by increasing the number of amplifications so that any Coronavirus fragment in the body from past infections can be detected, resulting in a positive test.

We are being held hostage by Emperor Polis under COVID case criteria. It is ridiculous! And increased restrictions were implemented AGAIN this past week here in Colorado, and complete lockdowns are rumored again this week. Grrrr.... Lockdowns are USELESS and cause more collateral damage than the Coronavirus itself! You can see here that in relation to death rates, countries that lock down fare just as well as countries that do not lock down... and economies are NOT destroyed in the process for those countries that don't lock down! Every country around the world has followed the SAME epidemic curve whether lockdowns are implemented or not. Avoiding lockdowns and restrictions results in less damage to the mental health of children and young people. Depression, suicide and drug overdose have all soared due to the poor policies of countries and states who have implemented draconian measures.

We must take action to free ourselves! We are partnering with Exclusive Project to implement coordinated phone and email campaigns which will let our voices be heard and get our officials to take action! It is time to stop being the silent majority! Here are a few examples:

Sample Phone Campaign #1:

Hi, can I speak with (X Official), please?

This is (Your Name), and I'm a Conservative from (Larimer County).

I am calling to let (X Official) know that I am opposed to COVID cases being the factor for decision-making about our county. 90% of cases are in people under 65, yet 90% of deaths are in people over 65. There have only been 3 deaths in Larimer County since September 28th! There were 15 deaths during the same amount of time one month ago!

Cases do NOT correlate with hospitalizations and deaths! We need to protect the vulnerable and let everyone else get back to life vs killing businesses!

Would you please have (X Official) call me back at (Your Phone Number) with a response about why COVID cases are being used to determine restrictions on our county and what citizens can do to get the criteria changed?



Sample Phone Campaign #2:

Hi, can I speak with (X Official), please?

This is (Your Name), and I'm a Conservative from (Larimer County).

I am calling to let X Official know that I am opposed to COVID cases being the factor for decision-making about our county and schools.

Dr. Bostom out of Brown University compiled COVID data from 50 universities on October 5, 2020:

  • 70,000 cases 3 hospitalizations ZERO deaths

  • Cases do NOT correlate with hospitalizations and deaths! In fact, studies and data from schools around the world demonstrate that children even act as a "brake" on infection!

As of 10/21, 57% of cases in (Larimer County) are CSU students.

We need to protect the vulnerable and get our students back to school!

Would you please have (X Official) call me back at (Your Phone Number) with a response about why COVID cases are being used to determine restrictions in our schools and what citizens can do to get the criteria changed?


What is the most important issue to you and your family? Use the sample campaigns above as a pattern to help us write campaigns. Then contact us to find out how to plug in to Exclusive Project and magnify the power of your voice by combining it with others! POWER IN NUMBERS!

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