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colorado capitol.webp


After your city & local officials, your state officials have the greatest impact upon your daily life.
Who are your officials? What is their role?
Find your officials here:
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Law-making branch of our state government


Find your Colorado Representatives

by District



Find your Colorado Senators by District


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Google your own state.

Example: Colorado Legislators -OR- Colorado Representatives -OR- Colorado Senators

  • COLORADO STATE AUDITOR - impartially asses the operation of state programs and the use of state and federal funds and is a constitutionally established position which is appointed by The General Assembly without regard to political affiliation and serves a 5-year term. REPORT TO OUR STATE AUDITOR IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED A FALSE COVID-19 TEST RESULT (EITHER A POSITIVE RESULT WITH NO TEST OR A POSITIVE BY  PCR AND NEGATIVE BY SWAB).


Makes rulings about the laws made by the

Legislative Branch. There are three levels of judges within the State of Colorado.

  • COLORADO DISTRICT COURT JUDGES - elected by The People over a group of counties within Colorado

  • COLORADO DISTRICT ATTORNEYS - "The People's Lawyer" represents the state in criminal cases

  • COLORADO COURT OF APPEALS JUDGES - "assisted" appointment: initial appointment by the Chief Justice of the Colorado Supreme Court, and The People vote for or against retention at the end of an eight-year term.

  • COLORADO SUPREME COURT JUSTICES - "assisted" appointment: initial appointment by the Governor of Colorado, and The People vote for or against retention at the end of the first two-year term. If retained, the judges serve a ten-year term before the next retention vote.

    • COLORADO ATTORNEY GENERAL - defends the Rule of Law (protects the Constitutional rights of justice, freedom and equality of all)

Google your own state.

Example: Colorado Courts -OR- Colorado Judicial Branch


Carries out the laws made by the Legislative Branch

Learn more about each branch of government here

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

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